AIT’s Data Science & Artificial Intelligence (DSAI) unit offers Data Science research services for scalable Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications. The team provides data science consulting and solutions for making informed decisions based on large, heterogeneous, and real-time data under strict conditions of IT security and data protection. DSAI is a multidisciplinary group of experienced scientists and engineers with diverse backgrounds - from data analytics, applied mathematics and statistics, to information security, and the humanities.
The DSAI team provides expertise for each step in a data science workflow covering the key phases data aggregation and normalization, data analytics, data visualization, as well as data publication and preservation. All these phases can be built on strong security measures, providing privacy, confidentiality, and integrity. DSAI applies this workflow in three thematic areas: Cultural Data Science, Industrial Data Science and Data Science for Public Security.
Within the Data Science workflow, AI is becoming an ever-more important technique for the analysis of large datasets, whether these consist of numeric, textual, or audio-visual information. DSAI strives to use Data Science methods and tools to provide AI applications at scale. The internationally renowned team members have a strong reputation in academia and are closely connected with international and local communities by organizing workshops, conferences, and meetups (e.g., Vienna R Meetup, Deep Learning Meetup Vienna).
Collaborating with industry and academia, DSAI has been providing methods and tools for solving real-world data-oriented problems. Examples include:
Virtual Currency Analytics; Blockchain technologies for data ecosystems; Large-scale integration, analysis and visualization of data; and Network monitoring and anomaly detection on large data sets.
Statistical modelling (R); Machine learning, including Deep Neural Networks (SciKit Learn, Tensorflow, Keras, Pytorch); Scalable data engineering and analytics (e.g., Spark, Cassandra, Hadoop); Information visualization (D3.js, Mapbox GL JS); and Blockchain technologies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hyperledger).